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inner guidance/ intuitive knowing..


50 per session - Virtual OK - Posted Sep 08, 2020

AWAKENING is to awaken and to start looking honestly and objectively around in the world,
in your life and in your self and you are realizing that you are in control of your awareness,
your thoughts and your feelings. You start to think critical and decide on what is negative and
positive what is right and what is wrong and good for you AND good for all people on the world AND good for Nature.
As soon as you awaken you will find that the world is a Hell, and people are violent, cruel, egoistic,
greedy and in one word negative people. You understand that you can only be real happy, when
all the people on the whole world are happy. You see the people are mainly egoistic, greedy and
negative in everything they think, decide or even do. When you awaken you will see it every where,
a greedy, egoistic and negative ego perspective that is responsible for all our negative emotions and bad feelings.
Besides this you understand that the population is under a control by a system that keeps people on a low frequency
with negative thoughts, that makes them easier to control, to manipulate and they believe anything you tell them repeatedly.
You understand that movies and media is used for the sole reason to manipulate. You see that the WiFi systems are there to
attack our minds and lower our frequencies too. You reveal for yourself how blind you were, once you see, you can never return
to the ignorance in our world.
Once you are awakened, you start to search for the truths in the world,
in your life and in yourself. This will set you on a path to enlightenment. You want to know the reason for your life, you want
to know if you can change yourself, change your feelings and thoughts, you want to know the reason why people are so cruel
and negative and don’t see it themselves. Just as Jesus said: when you start to search for truths, you will find truth.
As soon as you start to search, you go the path to enlightenment, a path that will guide you to understand yourself, life and the
world bounded to the physical plane with an ego perspective and you long to let go of the ego perspective and to embrace the
more experienced (=higher) and more positive higher perspective of the Soul. You understand that you are not a human, but an
immortal energetic pure positive Soul.
Enlightenment is to understand the perspective of the Soul, the construction of human, Soul and life.
Enlightenment means literally to see negative situations and negative persons in a pure positive way, that life becomes lighter, easier,
happier and more fun. Sometimes it is also referred at becoming A LIGHT or they call Souls also CHILDREN of the LIGHT OR GOD. Light
is pure positive energy vibrating on high frequency, LIGHT IS LOVE AND LOVE IS LIGHT AND LIGHT IS SOUL AND SOUL IS LOVE. It is
who we are as an immaterial pure positive energetic being with a esoteric light shiny body.

Training & Qualifications

just i am....

Availability & Preferences

ask me when....

Trading Preference: I’m flexible, just hit me up!

Reviews of Skyhead

Sep 08, 2020
Really nice skyhead. Thank you for the help....
Michael provided hour of Light warriors ( men's group ) for Skyhead
Jan 21, 2021
A true warrior doesn't fight because they hate the person in front of them. They fight because they love the people behind them.
Cheryle provided unit of Los Angeles Street Art for Skyhead
Dec 24, 2020
Thank you!
Maria provided unit of FREE MONEY - find unclaimed money for Skyhead
Sep 26, 2020
I hope by following the instructions in the article you will be able to locate funds for you and your family.
Maria received Help with Watch an unclaimed money video from Skyhead
Sep 15, 2020
Thanks for watching the video.
Cornelia provided session of Listening for Skyhead
Sep 14, 2020
Nice online conversation. Thank you for reaching out.
Inactive User
Inactive User provided session of Weird, magical chat for Skyhead
Sep 11, 2020
Even though we had some internet connection lapses, we had a great chat, and connected soul-to-soul on universal topics! What a blessing!!
Inactive User
Inactive User received session of Inner self Awareness from Skyhead
Sep 08, 2020


Join the TribeStart with 50 after offering a service.

Skyhead's other services

inner self awareness
easy to use and earn....

inner self awareness

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Video editing

Skyhead's requests

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Design Website
Looking for a web designer who could build a website from scratch. We should be able to be on voice calls and mode/means of payment is absolutely up to you. Want this done as soon as possible. ...

easy to use and earn....

About Skyhead Didweller

Way to Enlightenment.........

Open to other proposals
Skyhead Didweller is looking for:
  • Photography
  • Entertainment & Performance
  • Music & Audio
  • Art & Design